Available in all stores, enjoy a shopping experience tailored to your needs with our complimentary personal shopping service.
Whether you're looking for a full wardrobe overhaul or help finding that special piece for an occasion, our team of stylists are on-hand to offer their expertise. From alterations to delivery, this service encompasses all elements of your shopping experience. During the appointment, our experts will take you through the styling process from start to finish and answer any questions you may have so you can feel confident in your selection.
Personal styling appointments can be arranged in any of our UK stores at any time of the day, during trading hours or as a closed-door private appointment. Our styling team can either prepare a curated edit ready for your arrival based on your requests when booking, or you can choose pieces during the appointment.
Book your 1 hour virtual appointment slot with a Reiss stylist via the personal shopping appointment form, selecting 'Virtual Shopping Appointment' from the Appointment Location dropdown menu.
Step 2
Once your appointment is confirmed, your stylist will reach out to you to discuss any specific shopping requirements you have and learn more about your personal style.
Step 3
Ahead of the appointment, our private personal shopping suite (located on the first floor of our Regent Street store) will be set up with a curated selection of products.
Step 4
You will be shown your curated selection on camera and can interact with the stylist requesting extra styles or asking any questions throughout the session.
Step 5
You can then finalise your curated edit of looks before purchasing. The items will then be sent to you via courier.
“I would never hesitate to recommend the Reiss Personal Shopping team, who repeatedly bring fantastic ideas to the table. It’s rare to come across such honest and genuine characters who are willing to jump through hoops.”
“I used the Reiss Personal Shopping service to dress the ushers, best man and myself for our spring wedding. The stylist made the experience truly memorable for all of us and was a fountain of knowledge to assist with each of our individual needs and styles.”
We also offer a bespoke tailoring service to menswear clients in 12 stores across the UK. Add your own signature spin to suiting and complement the final product with a made-to-measure shirt. The perfect additions to the modern man’s wardrobe...